
America Works Fellowship

America Works Fellowship

Texas State University

Texas State University

State University (United States of America), Browse similar opportunities


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The America Works Fellowship is a service year program geared towards young professionals and recent graduates who want to make a direct impact on urban poverty. This fellowship program aims to address the disconnect between public policy and low-income individuals, especially public assistance recipients; by working full-time in offices that administer employment and workforce development programs, Fellows serve low-income individuals on public assistance, gain a deeper understanding of how policies are implemented, and see firsthand how policies impact the people they are meant to help. Fellows work as job readiness trainers and/or in case management services. Job readiness trainers provide skill-building training for individuals living on public assistance to help them find employment and achieve self-sufficiency. They gain experience by providing classroom instruction leading classes on a variety of workforce development topics, including Computer Literacy, English as a Second Language, Employment Skills, and Financial Literacy. In the past, Fellows have developed curricula for classes on HTML/CSS, storytelling, and nutrition. Fellows who are placed in casework positions provide crucial support to adults living on public assistance during the job search process. They gain experience engaging with clients one-on-one in order to help them develop a plan to gain long-term and sustainable employment. Fellows provide support to clients through job search activities, resume and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, and connecting clients with the resources they need to take care of their basic needs. Fellows conduct a year-long research project that explores a workforce development program, issue, or policy with guidance from the Work First Foundation and advisors. After reviewing workforce development literature, Fellows write and submit a research proposal, literature review, and collect and analyze data gathered from America Works clients. At the end of the fellowship, Work First Fellows are given the opportunity to present their research findings to policy experts, business leaders, and workforce development stakeholders at the annual Research Symposium. This year-long fellowship runs typically from the beginning of July to the end of June (exact dates vary). Fellowship placements may be made in New York, New York, San Francisco, California, Orange County, California, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland. This fellowship comes with a competitive salary and optional benefits, with a $5,000 award upon completion of individual research projects.

Discipline: Applied Arts, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM), Visual and Performing Arts

Eligibility: Applicants must: have at least a bachelor's degree be capable of providing confidential support to clients' sensitive case management Applicants should have an interest in teaching in a classroom environment daily; while previous formal teaching experience is not necessary, a desire to learn how to effectively teach is required.

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, International

Award amount: Up to $45,000

Award category: Research

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: awfellowship@americaworks.com

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