
Enel X Challenge from Enel; Solutions for Energy Sector

Enel X Challenge from Enel; Solutions for Energy Sector

Algeria 19 Feb 2030
Enel Group

Enel Group

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19 Feb 2030
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Enel Group has announced the Enel X Challenge for those interested in sustainable development. The aim of this challenge is driving the evolution of the energy sector, as well provide innovative technological solutions to help businesses, cities, and people around the world to create New Value by changing the paradigms of the energy industry.

Challenge Categories Which Require Solutions:

  • e-Industries, offering large-scale customers innovative services linked to energy consulting, optimization, and flexibility solutions such as Demand Response.
  • e-City, offering public administrations and connectivity solutions, like the public lighting services and the wholesale offer of fiber optic services.
  • e-Home, dedicated to residential customers, with services like installation and maintenance of advanced technological solutions aimed to render homes smarter, capable of saving more energy and offering greater wellbeing.
  • e-Mobility, covering every type of customer, with the aim of becoming the technological leader in the sector and promoting increasingly widespread electric mobility and Vehicle Grid Integration (VGI) services.
  • Fintech: the digital revolution is changing the financial services and payment sector, favoring the entry of new digital operators. Enel X addresses such a transformation by providing the customer base with new payment methods, financial solutions, and value-added services.

How to Participate:

Attach documents (max 5 files, 25MB total weight), Explain your proposal clearly in English including the following ideas:

  • Presentation of the proposal.
  • The business potential for Enel.
  • Technical feasibility.
  • Costs/benefits analysis.
  • Innovation level.

Challenge Phases:

Phase (1): Includes a preliminary study of participating presentations. Participants may be contacted for more information about their proposals.

Phase (2): Proposals will be addressed to the most suitable division to evaluate them according to technical criteria, economic and commercial impact. The presentation of the proposal will also be evaluated.

Phase (3): After the evaluation process, all participants will receive feedback. In case of success, an Enel contact person will get in touch with the winner to discuss the next steps.


Enel is a multinational energy company and one of the world’s leading integrated electricity and gas operators. Enel works in 35 countries across 5 continents, generating energy with a net installed capacity of almost 85 GW, selling gas and distributing electricity across a network spanning approximately 2.2 million km. With 63.5 million end users around the world, Enel has the biggest customer base among its European competitors, and it is one of Europe’s leading energy companies by installed capacity and reported EBITDA. The Group is made up of nearly 62,900 people who help promote Enel’s two cardinal principles: innovation and sustainability.

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