
WHO Free Online Course: COVID-19 Operational Planning Guidelines

WHO Free Online Course: COVID-19 Operational Planning Guidelines

Worldwide On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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On going
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions


In order to assist UN country teams in scaling up country preparedness and response to COVID-19, WHO has developed these learning modules as a companion to the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.

A Record of Achievement will be available to participants who score 80% or higher in the cumulative course assessment for both Modules 1 and 2. Module 3 is free of any certification.


The training is intended:

  • For UN country teams (UNCTs)
  • For other relevant stakeholders, including partners, donors and civil society
  • To support national readiness and preparedness for COVID-19
  • To help countries increase their capacity to respond to COVID-19
  • To increase international coordination for response and preparedness
  • To streamline the process of coordinating resources and assessing country preparedness level
Eligible Regions: Open for all.
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