
How to get an accommodation at a university residence in France easily:

Publicado en 29 jul. 2017 por @Marwen

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In this article we explain how to contact the Crous service to find accommodation in France

In this article, we share with you an example of a letter that you can use to submit your application for Crous residence. you can find the details of the crous of your residence in order to be able to contact them.

In this letter you should mention the folliowing information:

-your name 

-the purpose of your stay 

-your country 

-your sending univesity

-your hosting university

-the period of your stay

- attach your university or lab  invitation

-attach an ID or passport copy

-attach any document proving that you are able to pay the rent (scholarship, bank deposit).

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is [put your name here], I am a young doctoral student from Tunisia.

As part of my doctoral training, I managed to have a 2-month internship at the Laboratory of ............................ ................. located in university of ............................. .................................................. .... from January 15th, 2015 to March 15th, 2016 as indicated by this letter, and I wish to stay during this period in one of your residence, thank you for sharing with me your availabilities and your rent conditions.

Looking forward to hearing from you, I remain at your disposal for any useful information.

Best Regards,

Tips: If you are a PhD student or researcher, the University's international relations office of your hosting university can offer you an accommodation.

-Ask your supervisor in France to contact your Crous in order to recommend you and help you get acceptence.

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